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About Me

I am a professor of computer science at the University of Luxembourg, affiliated with the Lab for Intelligent and Adaptive Systems (ILIAS).

Intelligent systems (like humans) are characterized not only by their individual reasoning capacity, but also by their social interaction potential. I am interested in developing and investigating comprehensive formal models, as well as computational realizations, of individual and collective reasoning and rationality.

My research interests include deontic logic, logic in security, compliance, agreement technologies and most recently cognitive robotics.

I have been granted a Bao Yugang Chair Professorship at the Zhejiang University, and I gave a talk at the ceremony in 2023.

In the context of my sabbatical, I recently gave an online lecture on deontic logic for AI.

In 2022, I gave another online lecture on deontic explanations.

I teach the following courses:

  • Introduction to intelligent systems: agents and reasoning,
  • Agents 1: knowledge representation,
  • Agents 2: multiagent systems,
  • Game theory,
  • Selected topics in AI (MICS),
  • Discrete mathematics 2,
  • Methods in science,
  • Introduction to intelligent and adaptive systems (BINFO).

For my sabbatical, I was invited professor / visiting scholar at the Center for the Study of Language and Information (CSLI) of Stanford University from January 2013 until July 2013.


Prof. Dr. Leon van der Torre

Maison du Nombre, 3rd floor
Belval, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg

Tel: (+352) 46 66 44 5261
Fax: (+352) 46 66 44 5621