A complete conclusion-based procedure for judgment aggregation (bibtex)
  Title                    = {A complete conclusion-based procedure for judgment aggregation},
  Author                   = {Gabriella Pigozzi and Marija Slavkovik and Leendert van der Torre},
  Booktitle                = {Proceedings of the First International Conference on Algorithmic Decision Theory (ADT)},
  Year                     = {2009},
  Month                    = oct,
  Pages                    = {1-13},
  Publisher                = {Springer Verlag},
  Series                   = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence},
  Volume                   = {5783},

  Abstract                 = {Judgment aggregation is a formal theory reasoning about how a group of agents can aggregate individual judgments on connected propositions into a collective judgment on the same propositions. Three procedures for successfully aggregating judgments sets are: premise-based procedure, conclusion-based procedure and distance-based merging. The conclusion-based procedure has been little investigated because it pro- vides a way to aggregate the conclusions, but not the premises, thus it outputs an incomplete judgment set. The goal of this paper is to present a conclusion-based procedure outputting complete judgment sets.},
  Affiliation              = {icr},
  Date-modified            = {2011-12-21 13:23:51 +0100},
  Url                      = {http://icr.uni.lu/pubs/adt09-techReport.pdf}
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