Yining Wu.
On the issue of non-interference in the aspic-light formalism.
Technical report 2011.
Yining Wu and Martin Caminada
A Labelling-Based Justification Status of Arguments
. Studies in Logic, Vol.3, No.4, Page 12-29, 2010.
This paper supersedes previous work that was predented at NMR 2010. An implementation can be downloaded here . And can be run online here
Yining Wu.
Transforming Fuzzy Description Logic ALC_FL into Classical Description Logic ALCH
. URSW 2010.
M.W.A. Caminada and Yining Wu.
On the Justification Status of Arguments. BNAIC 2010.
Mikolaj Podlaszewski, Yining Wu, Martin Caminada.
An Implementation of Basic Argumentation Components.
COMMA 2010. You can download the implementation from here .
M.W.A. Caminada and Yining Wu.
Complete Extensions in Argumentation Coincide with Three-Valued Stable Models in Logic Programming. BNAIC 2009.
Yining Wu, Martin Caminada, Dov Gabbay.
Complete Extensions in Argumentation Coincide with 3-Valued Stable Models in Logic Programming. Studia Logica 93(2-3):383-403 (2009).
M.W.A. Caminada and Yining Wu.
An Argument Game for Stable Semantics. Logic
Journal of the IGPL 17(1):77-90 (2009).
Patrizio Barbini, Yining Wu, Martin Caminada.
An Implementation of Argument Based Discussion. AAMAS 2009.
The DEMO is open source .
M.W.A. Caminada and Yining Wu.
Towards an Argument Game for Stable Semantics. BNAIC 2008.
M.W.A. Caminada and Yining Wu.
Towards an Argument Game for Stable Semantics. CMNA 2008.