Marcos Cramer

TU Dresden

My Research Interests

In my research, I apply logic-based methods from knowledge representation and reasoning to model actual human reasoning. The focus of my research is on combining methods from formal argumentation theory, natural language semantics, epistemic logic and philosophical logic to formally model the mathematical, philosophical and logical reasoning of humans. My work in this area has so far been part of two distinct research projects:

  • The Naproche project (Natural language Proof-Checking) studies the language of mathematics using linguistic and logical methods, with the goal of developing a controlled natural language (CNL) for mathematical texts and a proof-checking system which checks the logical correctness of texts written in the CNL. I worked on the Naproche project for my PhD from 2008 until 2013, and developed a prototype of the Naproche system.
  • The CAFA project (Cognitive Aspects of Formal Argumentation) consists of two parts: In the theoretical part that I lead together with Leon van der Torre, we develop a theoretical model based on formal argumentation theory that aims at modelling reasoning about logical paradoxes in a cognitively plausible way. In the empirical part led by Christine Schiltz and Mathieu Guillaume, we test the cognitive plausability of these models and of general assumptions from formal argumentation theory through empirical cognitive studies.

Between these two projects, I have been working on a quite different application of logical methods, namely to access control. This work was part of the SIEP project (Specification logics and Inference tools for verification and Enforcement of Policies). My main focus within this project has been on says-based access control logics and on delegation and revocation schemes. In this work I collaborated with the KRR group of Marc Denecker in Leuven, and also started collaboration with his group on autoepistemic logic as well as on the logic of only knowing and common knowledge.

Apart from my research in knowledge representation and reasoning, I am also interested in the linguistic study of Esperanto.

See my publications for the outcomes of my research.